Bz empowerment members are professionals from various fields. Our goal is to connect companies and workers.
We try to find the best matching that makes everyone happy.

Specified Skilled Worker Support
The Specified Skilled Worker is a new residential status started in April 2019 that allows foreigners to work in 14 industries in order to solve the serious labor shortage problems in Japan.
Bz empowerment is specializing in the hotel and the restaurant industry since we build close relationships with these industries in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The countries mentioned above are famous for hospitality so candidates can easily fit demands in Japan.

Alien registration
Companies that hire Specified Skilled Workers are obliged to provide a suitable workplace, daily life, and society.
Therefore, the registration support organization is entrusted for you to create and implement the support plan for Specified Skilled Worker.
Bz empowerment has formed an alliance with Tokai Management to provide reliable and smooth support.
In addition, we have formed business alliances with sending organizations in each overseas country to build a system that not only sends human resources to Japanese companies but also receives support from their home countries.

You have many problems before/after hiring staff. How do you develop human resources? Bz empowerment, a professional consultant will analyze your company’s pre-hiring situation and post-hiring personnel evaluation in detail and provide appropriate advice.
・P:Plan:for HR development
・D:Do:HR development plans
・C:Check:Results for implemented plans
・A:Act: Fix the problems.
ex) If staff is not trained well, investigate the bottom reason and try new measures
・P:Plan:Need to reflect the first attempt and step up

WEB・IT Support
The Specified Skilled Worker is a new residential status started in April 2019 that allows foreigners to work in 14 industries in order to solve the serious labor shortage problems in Japan.
Bz empowerment is specializing in the hotel and the restaurant industry since we build close relationships with these industries in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The countries mentioned above are famous for hospitality so candidates can easily fit demands in Japan.

Local Inspection Support
Honey J Corporation, which is registered as a travel agency. If you would like to go overseas to match with candidate human resources directly, professional staff who know all about Asian countries will do all the arrangement work for you. You can easily adjust time and spend a comfortable
Honey J Corporation
Agency registered No. 3-1456
JATA member
Bz empowerment
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our service!